Saturday, December 17, 2011

i wasn't purposely don't wanna reply your message
i was watching the last few episodes of my korean drama.
i didn't know you were reading my blog.
i wanna update it so much
but everyday my dad was like a bee and the computer is like a honey to him
he sticks to the computer everyday
so i let him
since there's nothing i need to use the computer
so i didn't update anything
i'm fine these days.
i just discover that there's alot of books that i can download and read using iphone.
it's fun!!
i don't need to bring my book everywhere
and i found one of my favourite author's book!!
i'm so happy!!
and i have pedicure and manicure this afternoon
i paint my finger nails dark blue and my toes dark purple!!
can you imagine that?!
i'll take photo and upload next time. =p
i'm going to kl tomorrow.
will text you when i go
plus, i will update once when i'm back!! :)

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